Why Rent When You Can Produce Your Own Clean Energy!
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Choosing the Right Inverter for Your Solar System!
Solar Edge is a superior product and it is the perfect choice for monitoring a PV solar system, especially if you have shading issues due to a tree that you just don't want to trim or cut down.
With Solar Edge, If one panel is experience shading and that panel's production reduces, with Solar Edge, that one panel is the only one that is affected and not the whole system!
For this reason, I recommend Solar Edge Inverters and install them with my own customers!
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Why Go Solar!
Here is a logical question:
If you could start generating your own clean energy with no money out of pocket and stop renting from the utility company, paying them hundreds of dollar each and every month, would you?
If the answer is no, why?
I really never understood people's logic when it came to excuses such as, I don't have time or I have too much on my plate. To me, those are excuses. My answer is, so why would you want to continue being a renter and paying someone else for your energy? Honestly, it's a big waste of your money!
Solar is an investment, an investment for your future that will save you thousands of dollars in the long run. It will increase the value of your home 15-20% and people shop for homes that already have solar.
Calculate your bill for the next 25 years with a 3-6% increase each year. That is how much money you are throwing down the drain. Frankly, why be so wasteful and help the environment as well as yourself. You have to pay to keep the lights on, so why not pay yourself?
Purchase Solar Now and take a long needed trip with the 30% federal tax credit or buy down your loan if you're financing your PV solar system.
Solar is a NO Brainer! All the paperwork, design, permitting are handled for you. You could start generating your own clean energy very soon!
When is the best time to buy solar? Now! Why? Summer months have longer daylight hours which produces more energy!
Stop putting off going solar because you're too busy! Let the experts handle it all for you! Free quotes available- Just Call Now!
Saturday, June 11, 2016
PG&E Net Energy Metering and Billing!
PG&E's Net Energy Metering (NEM) Program provides customers the ability to offset the cost of their electricity with energy their generating system exports to the grid.
This video simply explains what to expect when your solar system starts producing clean energy and how you are billed.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Choosing Another PGE Rate Plan when Considering Solar!
The rate plans from PGE are important to look at for those customers who are still considering solar and missed signing up for the E6 plan. Notice that TOU-A peak times are 3-8pm and TOU-B peak times are 4-9pm.
Under the TOU-B rate plan, if the sun sets at 8pm, you have lost 1 hour of production and storing credits into the PGE grid. At least, rate plan TOU-A peak times of 3-8pm during the summer months gives you an opportunity to generate power during daylight hours which will put more credits into the grid. Each summer month has the potential to overproduce, allowing you to build up and store energy into your account in PGE's grid so that you may use that energy during winter months when your system tends to under produce due to less daylight.Another issue is placement of the panels on your roof. E6 is no longer being offered which had a peak rate time of 1-7pm. That gave you optimum production throughout the whole day and south facing panels was optimal for best energy production.
Those customers who are working with a 3-8pm peak time now have to think about panel placement. Ask yourself where is the sun at 3pm? West is the answer. The perfect placement for this rate plan would be South/West to West. South will still give your panels exposure as the sun sets and West will extract the maximum amount of power from your system from the hours between 3-8pm.
This is why I always recommend to my customers to install a solar system in the spring-summer months. Your solar system has great exposure to the sun and your solar panels are extracting the maximum amount of power during daylight hours.
Time-of-Use Rate Plan 3-8 p.m. (ETOU-A)
This rate plan is best if you don't use much energy and can be flexible about when you use it. If you can reduce your usage from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays and keep your total monthly usage low, this rate plan may be best for you.
What you should know about this plan
What you should know about this plan
- Prices are highest during peak periods, which are all non-holiday weekdays from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.*
- Prices could be up to 25% lower during off-peak periods, which include all other hours.
- Recommended for lower use customers who can be flexible with their energy use and shift some energy use away from peak hours to lower-priced times of day.
- This rate includes a baseline credit which provides residential customers with an incentive to conserve energy by keeping their usage low. Customers will receive a credit per kWh for all usage up to the amount of their baseline allowance for the billing period. Determine Your Baseline Allowance »
The charts below show how the rate works for the Time-of-Use Rate Plan 3-8 p.m. (ETOU-A):
PLEASE NOTE: Pricing is approximate and varies by season. View Current Pricing »
*On January 1, 2020, the peak period hours on the Time-of-Use 3-8 p.m. (E-TOU-A) rate plan will shift one hour later in the day, to a 4-9 p.m. peak period.
*On January 1, 2020, the peak period hours on the Time-of-Use 3-8 p.m. (E-TOU-A) rate plan will shift one hour later in the day, to a 4-9 p.m. peak period.
Time-of-Use Rate Plan 4-9 p.m. (ETOU-B)
This rate plan is best if you tend to use a high amount of energy, but can be flexible about when you use it. If you can reduce your usage from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on weekdays and have a high total monthly usage, this rate plan may be best for you.
What you should know about this plan
What you should know about this plan
- Prices are highest during peak periods, which are all non-holiday weekdays from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
- Prices could be about 10 to 30% lower during off-peak periods (depending on the season), which include all other hours.
- Recommended for customers who use more energy but can be flexible and shift some energy use away from peak hours to lower-priced times of day.
The charts below show how the rate works for the Time-of-Use Rate Plan 4-9 p.m. (ETOU-B):
PLEASE NOTE: Pricing is approximate and varies by season.
Info courtesy of PGE: http://www.pge.com/en/myhome/saveenergymoney/plans/tou/index.page#toub
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
What Rate Plan to Choose if You Missed the Dealine and You Want Solar This Year!
Did you miss the boat and forget to change your rate plan to E6?
If you are planning to install PV solar this year but forgot all about changing your rate plan to E6 for solar, be sure to read all about PG&E's rate plans changes at:
From PGE - Rate Changes: 2015-2019 that will affect all homeowners!
For PG&E general rate plan information: http://www.pge.com/en/myhome/saveenergymoney/plans/index.page?
According to my professional source at Energy Saving Pros, ETOU-A would be the best plan choice for solar customers if ESP is creating a solar system that will cover 70% of your pge bill with South or West facing panels.
Rate plan E1 would be your next best choice for a PV solar system that covers less than 70% of your PGE bill with East facing panels.
Energy Saving Pros could always add panels later if you decide to start off with a smaller PV solar system. I recommend you install enough panels to cover your high tiers for the best return on investment, that would be a 70% solar system or higher. Energy Saving Pros would plan for the future and offer you an inverter with enough power to handle any future add-ons.
I hope this helps you navigate through PGE's sea of confusion when it comes to rate plans and which one is best for you!
Thursday, May 26, 2016
PGE E6 is Closing May 30th! 2016!
The current residential
Time-of-Use rate
(E6) is closing to new customers not enrolled by May 30, 2016. All
customers enrolled in the E6 rate plan as of May 30, 2016 will be able to
remain on the rate through 2022.*

Rates are lowest in the morning, late evening and weekends
from May through October, and at all times outside 5-8 p.m. on weekdays from
November through April. The graphic below shows Time-of-Use pricing for a
customer who stays in the lower priced tier over one year. See the next section
to understand Time-of-Use and Tiers.
The E6 rate plan is likely to be the best option if your total electricity use during the month is low. This rate is not likely to be the best option for you if you have a high total monthly usage that goes into the higher priced tiers.
The E6 rate plan is likely to be the best option if your total electricity use during the month is low. This rate is not likely to be the best option for you if you have a high total monthly usage that goes into the higher priced tiers.
E6 Rate Closure
Recently, the
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved new rate
structures with the goal to more closely align electricity prices
with the true cost of providing service. As a part of these changes, the
residential E6 rate plan is closing to new customers. Customers who would like
to enroll in the E6 rate plan must do so by May 30, 2016. All customers
enrolled in the E6 rate plan as of May 30, 2016 will be able to remain on the
rate through 2022.*
*In addition to
closing the E6 rate plan to new customers who are not enrolled by May 30, 2016,
the CPUC ordered that E6 eventually be phased out. Customers may remain on E6
only through 2022. Through 2020, the terms of E6 will remain the same, with a
two-year transition to a 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. peak period by 2022. Please note, if
you move your service, you will not be eligible to remain on the E6 Rate Plan.
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